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Earth Ultimate Lightroom Preset Pack for Fujifilm System - GFX - X Cameras

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For Fujfilm XT5, XH2, XH2s , XT4 and Other X series cameras. Made for GFX 100 II, GFX 50S, GFX 50R, GFX 50SII and other GFX Cameras. - ( Made for Raw Files - Can try on JPEGS)


This 18 Film Preset Pack has three sets,  5 Quick Presets, 4 Black & White, 3 Dark & Moody and 5 Vintage Film Looks. These presets are the closest to everything you would ever need for you Fujfilm cameras.


What do we actually mean by the Film look? Nostalgic? Images with Texture? images that do magic to skin tones? or anything that makes us feel something. This preset pack was created keeping all the above things in mind and much more.


Making a preset pack is easy just save some presets you created for yourself over a period of time give them some fancy names and drop them as a preset pack. But this pack is me, my work, what each color means to me how many presets I want to include and exclude what is a good mix, in which look should I let the white balance to "As shot" and in which one should I leave it at just daylight. How much should I keep it natural or should I actually change the shape of the image itself? It took me time and energy and thought to get to this 18-pack. I want you to try it and feel what I have actually put into it. Don't just buy it hover on them in a whisker and just call them bad presets. Apply them on different skin tones, different kinds of images and different kinds of lighting use them for a month to understand how each one of them works on different kinds of images, and then really write to me. I would love to know what you thought about them because I did put a piece of my heart into the zip file I attached here. 


PS. I know someday it will be on some torrent or a pirated site. I don't have the energy or resources to fight them. 

Do write to me about your thoughts on it. Also, check out my YouTube channel for tutorials on how to use the pack.

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